The International Baccalaureate is a globally renowned programme that enables secondary school students to gain 21st-century skills that will help them prepare for the most prestigious universities around the world.

In addition, this unique, rigorous and useful programme is based on the idea of holistic development. In addition to the courses that will benefit students in their academic and business careers, the programme includes courses which contribute to the development of desirable traits and attitudes, i.e. it enables complete intellectual, social and emotional development.

IB Diploma Programme

There are many reasons for choosing the IB programme, primarily because it is a unique opportunity to prepare for studies abroad. However, we will list other reasons that make the IB a quality and sought-after programme in a highly important stage in your life when you are making a decision that will affect your future academic prospects.

1. A reputable program – high standards and top-quality curriculum

The quality and rigorous criteria behind IBDP make it the perfect preparation for the best and most renowned universities around the world.

2. Comprehensiveness and holistic development

IBDP is designed in accordance with the educational requirements of holistic development in the most intense stage of young people’s development – adolescence. The holistic approach and focus on their full mental, emotional, social, physical and spiritual growth and development make this programme complete and of the highest quality.

Read more about the IB diploma and its global reputation »

3. Internationally recognised diploma

Taking into account that IB programmes enjoy such status throughout the world, the IB diploma is internationally recognised. Students who complete the programme and obtain the IB diploma have access to the most prestigious universities around the globe, particularly in the US.

4. Encouraging critical thinking

IBDP encourages students to think critically and creatively, and to develop a philosophical attitude towards the world by assessing information, asking questions and partaking in interactive and proactive lessons. This claim is the result of the research conducted in order to assess how IBDP affects the development of critical awareness in students attending the programme.

IBDP is ever more present in schools around the world

Schools see IBDP as a way to fully prepare themselves for academic challenges and strive for excellence in the future. Currently, 2,200 schools in 140 countries offer this programme to more than 115,000 students of different nationalities, which illustrates the level of authority IBDP enjoys in the world of education.

5. Students become citizens of the world

Developing international mindedness and fostering multiculturalism is one of the more important aspects of the IB programme. International School students usually continue their academic journey at universities around the world, and the IB programme helps them develop an international mindset while still at secondary school.

6. Interdisciplinary subjects = holistic education

In addition to compulsory core subjects, which include diverse activities, such as essay writing and workshops focusing on written and verbal communication, public speaking, debate and the like, students choose elective courses in sciences and humanities. Moreover, they can also choose a higher level of courses they particularly like and in which they might become experts one day.

More about IB Diploma Programme courses »

7. Developing socially desirable traits

Given that school is the environment that has the strongest influence on what kind of qualities young people will develop, the IB organisation designed the curricula so as to include activities that inspire students to raise their awareness and develop socially desirable and positive qualities. They encourage kindness, empathy, altruism and social responsibility through socially beneficial activities.

8. Developing a sense of responsibility and dedication

IBDP fosters a sense of discipline and responsibility when it comes to one’s commitments and learning environment. High assessment criteria and challenging tasks are the best way for students to develop a healthy work ethic and prepare themselves for the high standards applied at universities around the world.

9. 21st-century skills for university and employment

Students gain important skills that are appreciated in the academic world. According to research, these skills should be developed as early as possible so as to increase one’s chances for success. Communication, time management, and organisational skills, as well as tenacity in achieving set goals, are crucial for achieving academic and professional success.

10. IB students strive for high goals and excellence

Students attending IBDP receive not only an excellent education, i.e. a programme that meets the highest educational criteria and standards, they are also provided with guidance and encouragement for success and accomplishment. IBDP is the perfect foundation for future academic and life challenges.

Make the unique, innovative, modern and globally recognised education offered by IBDP your choice; because by choosing the best secondary education, you choose the best future for yourself. Take the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills for further academic accomplishments, and a diploma that will open the doors to the best universities around the world!

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