The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the regular delivery of education. While it demonstrated how quickly online technological solutions can aid in times of crises, it also exposed the challenges teachers experience when online delivery is necessary. At the same time, language learning pedagogy, due its communicative nature of instruction, has not exploited technology as effectively as pedagogy in other disciplines.

Erasmus +

English language learning in secondary education is still largely oriented towards grammar and technical knowledge and students emerging from secondary education underachieve in real English communication. This contrasts with the fact that communicative knowledge of English in today’s globalised environment is necessary for personal and professional growth. Moreover, for most internet users who are not native English speakers, contact with English is unavoidable also in recreational online activities. The Consortium Partners performed a survey on teachers in their networks, which provided a Needs Analysis for the project. We identified a need to equip English language teachers in secondary education with digital skills allowing them to work effectively in their classrooms of today.

The project leader is the LUMINAR Foundation, and the partners are Atlantic Language (Ireland), Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico G. Malafarina (Italy), LO Dubiecko (Poland), CLV Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace z Oddzialami Dwujezycznymi im. Bohaterek Powstania Warszawskiego (Poland), International School (Serbia), Platon m.e.p.e (Greece), Bursa MEM (Turkey), Nordic Edtech Forum N8 MTÜ (Estonia).

Project goal

The SMART goal of the project is to increase the professional capacity of 18 English language teachers to teach secondary school students aged 14-17 with the use of education technology, and train these teachers to train other teachers to implement a comprehensive, innovative approach to language teaching, i.e. the EngLife Methodology .

Intellectual outputs

  1. Analysis on the English Language Acquisition Potential among Teens in a Digital Era – data collection / analysis (6 months of work).
  2. Mapping language teaching and learning in highly volatile times – guidance material from a seminar module (1 month of work).
  3. Methodological Framework on Integrated English Learning for Digital Native Junior
    Students: A Pedagogical Approach – a methodology (4 months of work).
  4. EngLife Methodology Workshop – guidance material from a seminar module (1 month of work).

Project tasks, activities, events and workshops

  1. Analysis on the English Language Acquisition Potential among Teens in a Digital Era.
  2. Creating a seminar module (OI2) and delivering it as a seminar on “Exchanging good practice on language teaching and learning in highly volatile times”.
  3. Preparing the “Self-Assessment of Competencies of an English Language Teacher for the Future” (OI3).
  4. Developing a Digital Resources Repository (OI4).
  5. Researching, developing and writing a Methodological Framework on Integrated English Learning for Digital Native Junior Students: A Pedagogical Approach (OI5).
  6. Creating and delivering the EngLife Methodology Workshop (C2) and creating the Train-the-Trainer Module (OI6).
  7. Designing and developing an online course “EngLife: Teaching English for a Life- time” (IO7).
  8. Mapping language teaching and learning in highly volatile times.
  9. EngLife Methodology Workshop.
  10. A Camp for EngLife Students.
  11. 6 open regional workshops where EngLife methodology will be presented at each secondary school participating in the project and at the regional governmental organisation.
  12. A final conference with EDTECH Expo, which will gather representatives from high school communities, pedagogical departments at higher education institutions, government representatives and institutions for language learning.

Expected project outcomes

  1. Reusable guidance material for a seminar module for the benefit of project partners and English language teachers NOT in the project, wishing to organise a similar seminar at their home institutions.
  2. Increasement in knowledge and skills by the project participants and users outside of the project, delivered in a friendly good practice exchange forum.
  3. Increasement in self-awareness among English language teachers about their own knowledge and skills related to their profession.
  4. Increasement in resources available globally to English language teachers, strengthening their teacher’s toolbox thus impacting their professional development.
  5. Methodology published online.
  6. Comprehensive, innovative approach to language teaching which can take place both inside and outside of the classroom (and, in certain crisis situations, temporarily entirely online), which strengthens the profession of English language teachers in secondary education worldwide.
  7. Reusable guidance material for a train-the-trainer session for the benefit of project partners’ institutions and English language teachers and schools NOT in the project to multiply the effects of EngLife at their institutions in formal/informal settings.
  8. Helping English language teachers in secondary education excel at their teaching posts and helping the entire professional group improve the quality of English language teaching.

Teachers and students excited about the project

Participation in internationally recognised Erasmus+ projects is a confirmation of International School’s quality and determination to enable teachers and students to obtain international competencies and advance continuously. The Strengthening Teachers’ Digital Readiness for a Lifetime English Language Education project will enable International School teachers and students to advance and gain vast knowledge and experience, which is why they share the joy and willingness to participate in Erasmus+ projects.

Opening new horizons in education

“This project should allow teachers to explore new approaches, and get new perspectives in the domain of teaching styles and teaching schemes especially in the domain of teaching the English language. Technology should help English students to learn how to engage in meaningful collaboration, learn to see the bigger picture and give them multiple perspectives and teach them to become divergent thinkers. This project should educate teachers on how to adapt classroom activities and how to enhance the language learning process, and also how to increase their learning skills through using technologies.”

IT Coordinator and Computer Science Teacher – Milić Vukojičić

A blend of technology and English

“Educating teachers to be tech-savvy and providing them with the foundation of teaching with the aid of technology and encouraging them to explore innumerable ways in which they can boost their students’ knowledge in both the English language and computer literacy. 

Our students, who are used to living around different devices since an early age, will surely like using these devices that they used to connect only to their leisure time, in the new context, especially since technology can offer a great diversity of resources for teaching and learning, ranging from the visual presentation of lessons, educational video materials, interactive quizzes and games that check their knowledge, to online assessment platforms.”

Humanities Department Coordinator and English Language Teacher – Ljubica Krstić

Teachers in the students’ shoes

“Being a part of the project allows us, as teachers, to find ourselves in the positions of both learners and educators. What this implies is that sharing our knowledge proves to be a beneficial aspect of professional development for all of us and the academic community as a whole. At the same time, learning about new practices and innovations serves as an excellent addition to our teaching practices.”

English Language Teacher – Jovana Živković

Teacher advancement = student advancement

“I truly believe that this Erasmus project will offer our teachers a chance to advance quickly and efficiently, thus benefiting the overall educational process. Additionally, this project will aid our achievements in the end, therefore benefiting the overall school performance and credibility.”

Maša Mitić, International School student

Good teachers are digitally competent

“Language is a subject you don’t learn the same way as other subjects. You can’t just sit down and study it. Computers, tablets and other technology allow students to engage with other students and with teachers as well. This is why we need digitally competent language teachers. Technology can help you write and you can listen to the language you’re studying so you would know how the people, whose mother tongue you’re studying, speak.”

Sergije Stojanović Louis, International School student

Fun and interactive English lessons

“I find digital literacy as one of the necessary skills an English teacher should have. Learning basic English grammar and spelling is not that fun, but creating, finding and knowing how to use the content that is provided by the Internet, such as quizzes, debatable topics and presentations is amazing. Teachers will be able to make fun classes and entertain the students. It will also be easier for the students to learn in an interactive way.”

Gala Milutinović, International School student

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