The International School strives to approach students as lifelong learners. In order to prepare them to become citizens of the world, the school not only enables students to have academic competencies, but also provides them with skills on how to become communicators and active participants in the world around them. For this reason, the International School, together with its students, strives to make its surroundings a better place.

The International School acts in compliance with the strict regulations set by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), whose goal is to encourage and involve people in the preservation and development of our natural environment through educational activities.

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In order to adhere to these strict rules and contribute to making this world a better place, the International School keeps its daily activities environmentally friendly by:

  • using modern technologies in its classes and administrative work. As a “paperless school” it makes sure that no trees are cut on its behalf because deforestation is one of the biggest environmental concerns of our time;
  • being a modern and well-insulated building. It uses its energy efficiently, making sure that none of it goes to waste;
  • having sensors that regulate heat emission and accordingly adjust the indoor temperature so that the school’s carbon footprint is kept at the lowest rate;
  • employing a lighting system especially designed to be energy efficient: energy-saving light bulbs and movement sensors which regulate the use of power in each classroom;
  • using ergonomic furniture and equipment, chairs whose height can be adjusted to that of the student, which improves their posture and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Creative teaching and interdisciplinary lessons allow our students to learn about environmentalism through different kinds of fun, creative and interactive activities like: keeping track of how much energy is wasted, exploring the possibilities of using natural and renewable resources, learning about endangered species, conservation measures, polluted regions and environmentally friendly countries, exploring chemical formulas of greenhouse gasses and the ways to decrease their emission.

As it cultivates the awareness and worldview of students through education, the International School provides them with the necessary insight into why environmental protection is important, now more so than ever. By implementing existing techniques, tweaking them and seeking out new and better solutions and innovative approaches, students are encouraged to do their part for our planet by taking part in simple yet significant efforts to preserve our natural resources.

All of our students are active participants in their own education process. This is why the International School has its own Eco-Committee. The International School’s Eco-Committee focuses on raising awareness about the following issues: climate change, flora and fauna conservation, the efficient use of energy, the consequences of waste and importance of recycling, alternative forms of transportation, the importance of clean water as a natural resource as well as the global consequences of individual actions.

Meet the Chairpersons of our Eco-Committee : Olga Stamenković and Valerija Gusarova

The International School’s Eco-Committee is in charge of conducting a sustainability audit at the beginning and at the end of the school year. According to their analysis of the school’s compliance with the ecological regulations, the Action Plan is made. In their regular meetings, our Eco-Committee evaluates the actions taken by all the people in the school community and beyond. This way, the International School, its students, teachers and all other associates make sure that their actions have a positive effect on the environment and that they raise the awareness of the people around them about the importance of such efforts.


Student Council and Eco Club Members Engage in Zero Waste Day Activities

In an inspiring display of environmental responsibility, students from the Student Council and members of the Eco Club at the International School recently visited the “Naša Kuća” Association to commemorate Zero Waste Day on March 30th. Established by parents of children facing developmental challenges, “Naša Kuća” Association operates as a socially responsible enterprise, boasting several…

International School acquired international eco-school status

International School, together with its students, strives to make its surroundings a better place. Through educational activities, International School students are encouraged to be involved in the preservation and development of our natural environment. As an eco-school, International School provides its students with the necessary insight into the reasons why environmental protection is important, now…

International School students took part in CNN’s initiative “Call to Earth”

#CallToEarth Day, a CNN initiative dedicated to conservation, environmental protection and sustainability, was marked on 3 November, and environmentally conscious International School students were part of it. Call to Earth is CNN’s commitment to reporting on the environmental challenges facing our planet, together with the solutions. Students cleaned 1.5 km of the River Danube bank…

One step closer to quality climate change education

On Friday, September 16, International School hosted experts, teachers and representatives of renowned organisations with the aim of making another step towards the establishment of effective and comprehensive climate change education. This all-day meeting was held in Belgrade, as part of the project Teaching the Future, which aims to implement education about climate change and…

WE ARE SPREADING ECOLOGICAL AWARENESS: our Eco-committee visited Primary School Savremena

When we learn an important lesson in life, what is the next step? Passing that knowledge on to someone else so as to continuously maintain the cycle of positive change, which is exactly what International School’s students did on Monday, 7 February, when they paid a visit to students of Primary School Savremena.

Environmental community is continually growing: Students of International School supported CNN initiative ”Call to Earth”

International School has proven itself many times to be an environmentally conscious and engaged school, determined to change its environment for the better together with its students, who volunteered countless times in various environmental and other important, socially conscious projects. Therefore, IS has once again actively involved itself to support the initiative aimed at bringing…

Bearers of positive change: Girls from International School take part in Climathon

Climate Innovation Hub is an organisation founded by professionals and enthusiasts in the fight against climate change. This hub partnered up with Junior Achievement Serbia, Science and Technology Park Niš and Connecting from Pančevo for the project Young Innovators Serbia, financially aided by Climate-KIC, Europe’s main initiative in the realm of climate change mitigation and…

Go Green! International School students once again show high environmental awareness

In order to include teachers and students in eco-activities and encourage their environmental awareness, the International School and the presidents of the Eco-Committee organised a large recycling campaign. The students and school staff took part in the project, and the collected paper was sent for recycling.

Eco-School Committee raising awareness among schoolmates

Eco-School representatives Lana Lukić and Teodora Obradović held a workshop for their schoolmates in order to encourage and involve them in the preservation and development of our natural environment. Eco-School is a growing phenomenon, which encourages young people to engage in their environment by giving them the opportunity to actively protect it. The effort to…

#EcoSchool: Students made creative posters about environmental protection

We are very proud of our students that are actively taking part in Eco-School projects. This time, students created and designed posters that are now located in the hallways of the International School, reminding every visitor about the importance of environmental protection.

Enrolment for class 2025/26 is underway! Click here to register »