International School, Model United Nations is an academic activity that allows students to participate in a challenging simulation of a United Nations debate. Students as chairs and delegates discuss important on-going global issues using communication skills, vast knowledge and a diplomatic approach. Students representing a country are required to approach the issue using that country’s regulations and policies, which enables them to think from different perspectives.

International School’s ISMUN programme engages students in real-life situations. By empowering students to think critically, analytically and beyond personal and local perspectives, the International School gives the students the opportunity to make their voices heard and nurture international-mindedness.

Meet the members of the International School Model United Nations Club

Uroš Jež: Secretary-General, Crisis Manager and Project Manager

Uroš Jež is a history student at the International School, Serbia. However, besides school, Uroš is constantly participating in activities such as professional boxing, in which he has won multiple gold medals. Moreover, he attended over 6 MUNs and won best delegate at 4 of them. Uroš enjoys offtopic conversation, so if you are a big fan of German history, prepare yourself for long talks with Uroš.

What do others say about Mr Uroš?

Uroš is very ambitious and passionate about diplomacy, which combined with his organisation skills is why he is the best person for this position. – Iva Pavlović

Uroš proved on tons of occasions how good of a friend he is. His positive attitude brings out the best in people. He’s always positive, kind and caring. In terms of commitment and social skills, he is, no doubt, the best person we could have as a Secretary General. – Maša Mitić

Maša Mitić: Co-Secretary General and Chair of UN Historical Security Council

Maša is a Geography student at the International School, Serbia. She is most probably a part of any school-related activity you can think of. As a teacher-wannabe, she is comfortable in every social context given, while her main interest is, you guessed it – Geography. Contrary to popular belief, in her free time, she does more than just write case studies – she enjoys hangouts, movies, and crime-related TV shows.

What others say about Miss Maša?

Maša is an open-minded person, always endeavouring to learn more from the teachers and her friends, and additionally a Geography preceptor in the making. I think that she will rock this MUN without a doubt and be one of the best chairs out there. – Luka Trunić

Luka Connolly: Chair of UN Historical Security Council

Luka Connolly is a year 12 economy student in International School, Serbia. Outside of school Luka is an avid football fan and history enthusiast. What might be surprising to some is that despite being an economics student, he loves to have a good laugh and go out with friends.

What others say about Mr Luka?

Luka Connolly has excellent social and communication skills which helped him excel on past MUNs. Besides that, his interest in history ensures an interesting debate. – Sara Čučaković

Iva Pavlović: Chair of the UN Security Council Crisis Committee

Iva takes interest in natural sciences and wishes to continue her education by enrolling in medical university as she wants to become a doctor. Her goal is to contribute to improvement of the quality of human life as she also does charity work by volunteering in “Red Cross. Besides medical sciences, a great passion of hers is modern dance.

What others say about Miss Iva?

Iva is an ambitious student who always seeks to excel in everything she does. Her communicational skills assure that she will be a valuable addition to our MUN. – Staša Milenković

Staša Milenković: Chair of the UN Security Council Crisis Committee

Stasa is a student in International School, whose love for both social and natural sciences led to a common interest in psychology, which she wishes to study in the Netherlands. Outside of school, Stasa likes to verse herself in the world of cinema, even having made her own film which premiered at an amateur film festival in 2019. She wishes to bring her knowledge of psychology, diligence, and communication skills to the MUN.

What others say about Miss Staša?

Besides being an exceptional student, Stasa is also a kind-hearted and caring friend. She is hardworking and dedicated to things she is passionate about. She will without doubt serve as an amazing chair to the security council committee. – Iva Pavlović

Sara Čučaković: Chair of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHCR)

Sara is an international student studying the social sciences in addition to having a keen interest in history and international affairs, as is visible in her past participation in EYPs and current in MUNs. In addition to psychology, sociology, history, and international relations, Sara is also a lover of art who likes to sketch people whenever she has the time to, all while she ruminates about philosophical problems she will never get the answer to.

What others say about Miss Sara?

Sara is a type of person you can spend hours having friendly debates and learning something new. – Uroš Jež

Luka Trunić: Chair of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHCR)

Luka Trunic is a student at The International School, Serbia taking up business studies and mathematics while engaging in countless other activities at school, as well as endeavoring to play basketball in the future. He wishes to continue studying business and one day take over his family’s business and become the owner of a firm.

What others say about Mr Luka?

Luka may seem a bit shy and/or timid, or quite shy when I think about it, but conversations with him have always been thought-provoking. In that manner, I believe that he will be a noteworthy addition to our MUN. – Maša Mitić

Elena Ćuća: Chair of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime

Elena’s interests lie mainly in the field of natural sciences, however she can easily navigate her way through humanities too. As a future researcher, she is not afraid to ask some questions that may seem impossible to answer, so be sure to always be prepared to think, and in return, she will spark your curiosity even more. In her free time, she enjoys participating in environmental projects, listening to good music, and learning new languages.

What others say about Miss Elena?

Elena is an outstanding student who never ceases to amaze everyone with her knowledge. Besides that, her communication skills ensure her success in debates on various topics. – Maša Mitić

Anja Gajić: Chair of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime

Anja’s main interests involve the field of natural sciences and medicine but she is also well versed in humanities and political sciences. In her free time, she volunteers at Red Cross, plays the piano, listens to music, and watches horror and drama movies. She wishes to study medicine in Italy and to one day become a surgeon.

What others say about Miss Anja?

Other than being diligent and always sharp, Anja is a kind and friendly individual whom I can always rely on both in an academic and personal sense. With her knowledge and skills, she is sure to be a good chair. – Stasa Milenkovic

ISMUN Club enjoys great respect from all members of the school community. The International School provides both quality education and an opportunity for the students to nurture their talents and skills. This is why ISMUN Club has sub-departments, which enable all students to participate and support their peers, as well as to improve their skills. If you are also willing to participate and improve your communication and leadership skills, feel free to contact Miss Una Ivanović, the Head of Marketing for ISMUN Club or Mr Kosta Ljubisavljević, the Head of Volunteers.

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