The International School supports its students and their parents in many ways. One of those ways is by offering part-time and online education to students who are, for some reason, unable to attend lessons regularly.

Full-time education: Combine academic objectives and social-emotional learning

The International School has an advantage over other secondary schools in that we offer lessons in English, recognise and help develop our students’ talents, offer multidisciplinary knowledge, increase their general knowledge and help develop their social skills. Cambridge International is a very ambitious programme, which provides broad and balanced study across a wide range of subjects, using learner-centred and enquiry-based approaches to learning. A Cambridge education prepares students for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning.

What sets this school apart is not only its modern approach to teaching, but also its forward-thinking teachers who, as mentors, help students find their motivation for personal development from within. They also inspire students to learn more and attain new skills. Our school also features subject rooms such as a science room, an IT room and a learning centre.

Students are provided with a digital device at school, which they can use throughout their schooling to access the online learning platform as well as email and chat services. Given that each theoretical segment of a study unit has its practical counterpart, the students attain comprehensive insight into the topic they are studying.

There are three breaks in the course of a day: two shorter ones and lunchtime. During lunch, meals are served in the school restaurant. Lessons end in the afternoon, after which students may choose among attending one of the clubs, remedial or additional lessons and consultations with subject teachers.

In addition to regular academic activities, the International School organises visits to various cultural events, sporting events, concerts and theatre performances. Our school also hosts lectures by guest speakers in various fields, through which our students enrich their knowledge and culture.

» Find out more about the packages within the full-time education programme

Part-time education: Take the best advantage of your time

We would like our students to understand that part-time education doesn’t stand for a lack of academic obligations towards school but merely a different definition of those obligations as the student’s physical presence is not necessary, but their academic presence is crucial. In order to earn their final grades, a student must submit their homework assignments, participate in projects, take assessments and sit the final Cambridge exams in person.

We have made an effort to provide our part-time students with everything they need in order to obtain a high-quality education. They can access the distance learning platform, multimedia materials, the student web service, as well as the parent web service with an overview of the student’s marks and the electronic attendance log. The students can communicate with their teachers via email and chat, and they can schedule consultations or remedial lessons in agreement with subject teachers.

This type of schooling is suitable for students who are busy pursuing their talents, such as sport, music, ballet, acting, etc. This part-time programme is also meant for those with health problems, which physically hinder them from attending a full-time programme.

» Find out more about the packages within the part-time education programme

Online education: Interactive learning free from spatial and temporal limitations

International School is also accredited by Cambridge International to offer the curriculum remotely, using its state-of-the-art Distance Learning platform, innovative lesson materials designed by reputable and experienced educators and School Counselor and mentor support to students and their parents.

You can now attend the Distance Learning programme at International School!

One of the biggest steps forward in changing the classic educational process is distance learning, that is, learning via the Internet. Practice proves that the pedagogical and didactic importance of this way of learning is extremely great.

That is why, considering the nature of the modern approach of our school, we feel a special responsibility and need to raise awareness of the necessity of changes in the educational process and the use of all the advantages that this type of learning brings with it, as well as to share our knowledge and many years of experience in the field of distance learning.

» Find out more about the packages within the part-time education programme

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