International School is an international secondary school with a renowned name and unique quality that provides students in Serbia with globally accepted degrees and world-class knowledge. With diplomas that open the doors of the greatest academic institutions, International School is undoubtedly the right school for ambitious young people!

Depending on the university of college they want to enrol in, students of International School can choose between two programmes available at our school – Cambridge and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

What is the fundamental difference between the Cambridge and IB Diploma programme? Are both programmes taught exclusively in English? What do the courses in these programmes look like, and what diplomas and certificates will students obtain when they complete them? 

The answers to these questions, but also to the most important one:

“Which programme is the best choice for your child?”

are waiting for you, and you can reach them by contacting our expert counselors on 011 4011 220, or by filling out a non-committing online application form, after which the counselors will get in touch with you. Some of the answers can also be found below.

Cambridge International

International Baccalaureate
Diploma Programme


Students independently create their curriculum by selecting courses, and then studying each course in detail. 

English Language and Global Perspectives are compulsory courses, and in addition to them, students will choose 3 more courses in line with their preferences and career aspirations.


We implement a holistic approach, with a comprehensive curriculum that comprises both compulsory and elective courses. 

Students choose 6 different courses from course groups, whereby the Core programme, which comprises Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity Service (CAS) and Extended Essay, is compulsory.



Letter grades, from U to A are used, A being the highest grade.

Numerical grades 1–7 are used, 7 being the highest grade.

Recognised diplomas

A Cambridge diploma is given for passing a minimum of 3 A-level exams from the Languages, Science and Humanities + Global Perspectives course group.

An IB diploma is given for passing all 6 courses, Core programme, and scoring a total of 24 grade points (with the Core programme).


Cambridge certificates for individual courses are recognised all over the world.

IB diplomas and certificates in IB Diploma courses (DP Course Results certificates) are recognised all over the world.

Student interests

Cambridge A levels is suitable for students who are determined to continue their education, because they can choose specialised courses, without scattering and wasting their attention.

In the IB Diploma Programme, students can choose courses they want to study in detail, but they will also need to attend other courses in order to meet the diploma requirements, and acquire comprehensive knowledge.

Student competencies

The Cambridge programme is focused on the development of critical thinking, analysis and research. The International School also aims to develop other student skills and competencies through various extracurricular activities that we actively pursue.

The IB Diploma programme is focused on the development of critical thinking, digital competencies, but also psycho-social skills, thanks to the Core programme. Apart from the extracurricular activities, these skills are also developed through the International School’s curriculum.

Studies abroad

Cambridge qualifications are a great choice for specialised study programmes (medicine, engineering, etc) where one needs to possess excellent knowledge of certain areas.  

Students who choose this programme commonly continue their education at European universities.


Students who are still unsure about the area/discipline/science they want to study usually choose the IB Diploma programme.

Although the IB Diploma programme is usually the choice of those who want to study in America, it is becoming increasingly popular in Europe and Asia as well.


Programme language

The programme is exclusively implemented in English, while the curriculum is international and identical in all countries working under the Cambridge programme.

The programme is taught in English, although students can choose Serbian as an elective course. The curriculum also integrates content typical of students’ native countries (e.g. Russia, Serbia, USA, etc.).


Exams are held in the June/November exam period, and the students will take all components of the exam in the given period.

Exams are held in May/October, except that all courses also have International Assessment – a component of the exam students are obligated to do all year round (research work).

The Cambridge Programme is the perfect choice for students who have identified their interests and wants in junior years of secondary school. If you are dreaming about studying medicine or engineering, or have some idea about the field you wish to pursue after secondary school, learn more about the Cambridge Programme that offers specific skills for students who have a clear vision of their academic future.

Learn more about the Cambridge Programme »

If you are still not sure what you want to study – don’t worry, as the International School offers the IB Diploma Programme where you can acquire holistic knowledge and skills, regardless of your future major at university. The IB Diploma Programme is the best option for versatile students who want a top-quality education that opens the doors to a wide range of universities.

Learn more about the IB Diploma Programme »

Enrolment for the new class is underway!

Good choice of secondary school will undoubtedly affect your child in every possible aspect. Quality education includes not only knowledge acquisition, but a dedicated approach to teaching, as well. In addition to gaining knowledge that will open doors to the most prestigious universities and provide a stepping stone for their future career, your child’s primary goal is to become a good person. That’s where we can help you.

Therefore, make the right decision and take advantage of the reduced tuition fees.

Enrolment for class 2024/25 is underway! Click here to register »