School stories

The second annual PBG Model United Nations conference (PBG MUN) was held between October 22 and October 24 at the First Bosniak Gymnasium. Iva Živaljević, a Year 13 student, and Uroš Jež, alumnus of International School attended the conference, and we have great news – Iva won best delegate!


International School studet is the best delegate

Respectable conference with as many as 102 participants

The PBG Model United Nations is an educational simulation of a UN conference, where attendants participate in certain committees as delegates of their countries, which gives them the opportunity to develop their oratory and debating skills, public speaking skills, skills of writing and research in English, and find common solutions for current global problems.

The MUN conference is organized with the aim of developing rhetorical skills, i.e. skills of diplomatic debating and public speaking among young people. These valuable skills are extremely important for young people who see themselves as academic citizens in the future, and who are willing to work hard to achieve that.

There were 102 delegates in the conference from 13 different schools in Sarajevo, Tuzla, Banja Luka and Belgrade.

Students of International School have proved themselves to be talented debaters

Indeed, our students can boast exceptional oratory skills which have been proved year after year through various projects.

Let us remind you, International School alumnus, Uroš Jež, was voted the best delegate in the Security Council cycle in last year’s PBG MUN conference.

Iva Živaljević is the winner of this year’s MUN conference, so International School will now definitely be remembered for our talented and accomplished students who achieve great results and stand out for their knowledge, skills, and abilities, wherever they go.

Congratulations once again, Iva, your school is proud of your success!