School stories

It’s long been known that good teachers make students better learners. But the International School proves that the reverse is also true – good students make teachers better educators.

On Monday and Tuesday, 4 and 5 October, Ms Aleksandra Stugar, Mathematics teacher, let the students step in her shoes and they did. They did it very well actually.

Trully different class at International School

International School students filled the teachers’ shoes perfectly

Lara Todorović from Year 13, an exceptional peer tutor and future mathematics student, presented a lesson to her schoolmates from Year 12. Using the Desmos graphing calculator, Lara showed how changes in the function expression lead to changes in the graph of a function.

The day after, Year 13 students Iva Živaljević and Petar Tomić, presented a Linear combination of random variables to their peers.

Future professors, engineers, business people, and most of all – successful and accomplished people

How to create a business plan? Year 10 students and future entrepreneurs have the answer. During a Business lesson, Year 10 students took on the role of investors and made step-by-step presentations on their “companies”. They presented their business plans, company descriptions, business goals, as well as marketing and sales plans.

The students implemented the tools and methodologies they had learnt at school, and realised that learning is meaningful when applied in a personal context.

Regardless of whether the students will become mathematicians, professors, or business people, one thing is certain – the International School provides them with an environment where they can develop their inherent skills and advance on a daily basis.