School stories

Business and Computer Science teachers joined forces to create a great project for Year 10 students called Linky. The main goal of the project was to teach students how to create business profiles on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn – the largest business network in the world

Our secondary students are working on being as successful as possible once the moment comes to enter the business world. Given that LinkedIn is a highly popular business network that has enabled many people to find their first jobs, young people today should learn how to use it, as it may prove highly important in their future endeavours.

The main goal of the project was to teach students how to create business profiles on LinkedIn

After their teachers explained how to use LinkedIn to their advantage, the students watched a video about the importance of social media for developing businesses and portfolios.

In addition to the video and lecture on LinkedIn, they had a discussion about how useful social networks are for self-promotion, and how to safely use them for business purposes.

Finally, in order to better understand the use of social media and the benefits of using LinkedIn, the students were tasked to make a brief report or create a poster or flyer.

Gaining skills for the future

The project helped students to create personal portfolios, access professional development platforms, engage in networking, and read interesting texts about their potential professions.

Moreover, given that the idea behind the LinkedIn project was to teach students how to present themselves in the best light, the project was highly important for the students’ future university applications and academic careers. Presenting yourself and your abilities, skills and knowledge in the best possible way is an important lesson that’s best learnt in secondary school.

We’re looking forward to reading about our students’ future accomplishments on LinkedIn!