School stories

On Friday, the International School welcomed Svetlana Vrzić Petronijević, who held an informative lecture as part of the “Parents Teach This Week” project run by Parent Support Coordinator, Tatjana Koluvija. This time, the lecture was mainly about reproductive health.

Svetlana Vrzić Petronijević, Milica and Milan’s mom, is a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics and a subspecialist in perinatology. She is the Head of the Perinatology Polyclinic of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Clinical Centre of Serbia. Ms Svetlana is also a professor at University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Medicine.

The importance of reproductive health

Reproductive health is something we should all give more attention to. Aside from parents, the school also plays an important role in overcoming this health concern, which is why the lecture Dr Svetlana held was well-attended. Parents, teachers and friends can act as a resource for adolescents, providing them with reproductive health information. The main topics of the lecture were protection, the first visit to the doctor, students’ confidence to visit a doctor in the first place, and a general approach to health. The goal was to raise awareness among students about health, which was undoubtedly a success.

“Parents Teach This Week” is developed to support students to think about professional orientation and their future career; this lecture, however, definitely raised their awareness about health issues. The goal of the lecture was to reduce misinformation and increase critical thinking, communication, and self-confidence. And this will lead to students making smarter choices.