ErasmusPT4ASDSchool stories

We’re excited to announce that the Parent/Teacher Handbook for Erasmus project, “Physical Therapy for ASD” (PT4ASD), has been printed and is ready for distribution. This handbook contains a variety of creative and educational games that utilize physical therapy as a means to develop socio-emotional skills, nonverbal communication, and relationship-building abilities in young individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Informing, educating, and raising awareness among professionals and individuals interested in adapting learning practices for children with autism

The handbook integrates several essential elements: education, learning through play, socialization, and physical activity. Its aim is to inform, educate, and raise awareness among professionals and individuals interested in adapting learning practices for children with autism, including teachers, researchers, physical and special education experts, parents, and volunteers.

We hope that this handbook will enhance the social skills of students with autism and contribute to creating a more inclusive environment where they can actively participate in everyday life.