School stories

In a dedicated effort to foster a supportive and informed school community, the Student Council organised a series of engaging presentations for students in Year 7, Year 8, and Year 9. The goal was to promote Mental Health Week and raise awareness about the importance of mental well-being.

Throughout this special initiative, Student Council members showed their commitment to creating a nurturing and understanding school environment. By delivering informative presentations, they addressed various aspects of mental health, including the significance of maintaining emotional well-being.

These presentations not only educated their peers but also encouraged open conversations about mental health. Students were able to gain valuable insights into emotional challenges while emphasising the importance of supporting one another. Sofiia Ivanova and Victoria Alexandrova held a presentation “How to adapt to the new environment” to Year 7 students. “How to open up about your issues” is a presentation held by Valeria Gusarova and Anja Matković for Year 8 students, while Petra and Pavle Jovanović taught Year 9 students “How to turn academic competition into collaboration”.

This initiative underscores the importance of student-led efforts in nurturing a caring and supportive school culture. It serves as a reminder that, together, we can create an environment where students feel safe, understood, and empowered to seek help when needed.

Mental Health Week is an essential reminder that mental well-being is just as crucial as physical health, and the Student Council’s presentations have contributed significantly to spreading this important message throughout the school community.