Pursuant to the provisions of the Statute of International School, the Executive Board of International School (hereinafter: School), at the meeting held on 25 August 2020, adopted the following:

Regulations on remote learning

Basic Provisions

Article 1

The Regulations on remote learning prescribe the manner, procedures and other provisions of remote learning as well as rights and obligations of the students who are unable to attend the lessons in a traditional classroom environment. Students are able to attend remote lessons during the school year due to:

  1. illness, disease or other health conditions;
  2. competitions where the student is a professional athlete;
  3. decision of the parents;
  4. other objective circumstances where this is issued by the government or School.

Remote learning

Article 2

Remote learning provides education to students who are not physically present in a traditional classroom environment. Information and lessons are relayed through technology. Students who are learning remotely are obliged to comply with all the School’s Regulations and the Code of Conduct. The same rules and regulations that apply to students who are learning on the school premises are applied to students who are learning remotely. Access to remote learning must be used in a responsible, safe, efficient, ethical and legal manner. Students attend streamed lessons when they are timetabled. During other objective circumstances where remote learning is issued by the government or the School, students attend live lessons through Google Meet, Zoom or other conferencing applications.

Academic Integrity

Article 3

Academic integrity is an ethical code, whereby the student guarantees that all work submitted is the student’s own work. Academic honesty is a key to learning and is essential for the students’ academic integrity. To maintain academic honesty, students are forbidden to:

  1. submit work of any kind that is not their own work;
  2. plagiarise in any work (written, multimedia, oral, creative, etc.);
  3. post assessments, assignments, answers to assessments or assignments, or any other curricular materials on any media that can be seen by other students or other third parties;
  4. give or receive unauthorized assistance on assessments;
  5. present any forged documents to their teacher.

In order to help students maintain academic honesty, mentors, tutors, parents or other third parties must not give assistance on assessments or during an assessed coursework. School’s Code of Conduct applies if the student does not comply with the paragraph 3 of this Article. Examination material or examination components for final Cambridge exams that are not in compliance with this Article are not taken into consideration. This might result in the student failing the exam(s).

Use of Copyrighted Materials

Article 4

The curriculum and courses used by International School are copyrighted works. Downloading, copying, reproducing, distributing or modifying copyrighted content in any way without express written consent is copyright infringement. Music, movies and books are also examples of copyrighted works. Use of copyrighted materials in connection with the student’s online coursework is strictly prohibited. Failing to comply with this Article, the School’s Code of Conduct applies.

Students’ Safety in a Remote Learning Environment

Article 5

International School is committed to maintaining a working and learning environment in which students, faculty, and staff can develop intellectually, professionally, personally and socially. Such an atmosphere must be free of intimidation, fear, coercion and reprisal. Data that is composed, transmitted, accessed, or received via the Internet must not contain content that could be considered discriminatory, offensive, obscene, threatening, harassing, intimidating, or disruptive to any other person. In compliance with the Regulations on the Measures, Manner and Procedures Regarding the Protection and Safety of Students, in order to protect the students’ safety in a remote environment, the students are forbidden to:

  1. give and share their or other students’ sensitive personal information online (user ID, password, personal information);
  2. steal, use or disclose someone else’s code or password without authorisation;
  3. flame or send insults, or respond to these types of emails;
  4. forward SPAM, chain letters or other unsolicited advertising or messages;
  5. use inappropriate, obscene, profane, threatening or disrespectful language;
  6. take any discriminatory actions;
  7. create and transmit harmful computer viruses;
  8. copy, pirate, or download software and electronic files without permission;
  9. send or post discriminatory, harassing, or threatening messages or images;
  10. use other people’s content or images without permission;
  11. offend someone on the basis of race, age, sex, religious or political beliefs, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Failing to comply with these prohibitions l results in sanctions in accordance with the school’s Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct in a Remote Learning Environment

Article 6

Students are responsible for proper behaviour during their remote lessons. Students are obliged to notify the principal or the teacher if they notice a security and/or safety problem in the school’s computers and/or educational platform. In addition to the School’s Code of Conduct, students are forbidden to:

  1. send or post confidential material, trade secrets or proprietary information outside of the organization;
  2. violate School’s copyright rights;
  3. engage in unauthorised transactions that may incur a cost to the school or initiate unwanted Internet services and transmissions;
  4. participate in the viewing or exchange of pornography or obscene materials;
  5. send or post content that defames or slanders other individuals;
  6. refuse to cooperate with a security investigation;
  7. use the school email address for political causes or activities, religious activities, or any sort of gambling;
  8. jeopardise the security of the organization’s electronic communications systems;
  9. send anonymous email messages;
  10. engage in any illegal activity while using school email address;
  11. disturb the Virtual Learning Environment;
  12. refuse to follow the rules of the specific Virtual Learning Classroom;
  13. unmute themselves when the teacher has placed them on mute;
  14. record any class session and transmit it;
  15. record the teacher and/or classmates or share the content;
  16. dress inappropriately;
  17. participate in cyber bullying and/or harassment;
  18. cheat on assessments and/or plagiarise the assessments;
  19. delete any examination materials from their Google Drive.

Plagiarism, as referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, means to take and pass off the ideas, words or other content as one’s own or to use another’s production without crediting the source, such as:

  1. copying and pasting a report from the Internet and representing it as your own work;
  2. copying any other work and not properly citing authorship.

Cheating, as referred in paragraph 4 of this Article, means to:

  1. influence or lead by deceit, trick or artifice;
  2. practice fraud or trickery to violate rules dishonestly;
  3. provide questions/answers/coursework to another student;
  4. receive questions/answers/coursework from another student.

Copying, knowingly allowing others to copy from you, and/or misusing Internet content results in a disciplinary action as described in the School’s Code of Conduct. In a remote learning environment, a student must:

  1. use appropriate language;
  2. obey copyright laws;
  3. wear their uniforms if the lesson is taught through Google Meet, Zoom or other conferencial application suggested by the School;
  4. respect and protect all students and staff members in the remote learning environment;
  5. answer if the teacher calls out their name or invite them through the Hangouts chat;
  6. be present and attentive during the timetabled lessons;
  7. follow the teacher’s instructions;
  8. obey the rules and regulations in the school’s Code of Conduct.

In support of the students’ learning in a remote learning environment, parents are obliged to:

  1. ensure that their child’s work is authentic and original;
  2. refrain from any supervisory report which might influence the true learning outcome;
  3. report any suspicious activity;
  4. ensure that their children are present during the lessons;
  5. provide an official authorisation of the student’s absence to the class teacher;
  6. conduct in compliance with the school’s Code of Conduct.

Attendance is authorised if the student is attending school remotely. The School is relieved of the responsibility for any negative outcome that might occur due to students’ absence from the lessons. Parents are responsible for ensuring that students are attending the lessons remotely.

Teachers’ Responsibility

Article 7

The teachers are obliged to:

  1. conduct the lessons in accordance with the Academic Calendar and Timetable;
  2. report to the principal if they notice a security and/or safety problem in the school’s computers and/or educational platform;
  3. conduct in accordance with the school’s Code of Conduct

The class teachers are responsible for:

  1. supplementing the students’ files in compliance with the school’s Code of Conduct;
  2. informing the principal on Incident Reports;
  3. informing the parents on Incident Reports and student’s conduct.

Assessments and Mock exams

Article 8

Students are obliged to sit the assessments and mock exams remotely. Students are allowed to sit the assessments and mock exams in person on the school’s premises only in the case of the formal notice sent 7 days prior to the scheduled assessment or mock exam. Assessments and Mock exams taken remotely have the same validity as the assessments and mock exams taken in person on the school premises. Assessments and Mock exams taken remotely are conducted and marked in compliance with the Cambridge International regulations and criteria. Students are required to conduct according to the invigilators’ instructions during their assessments and mock exams. Students are not allowed to use any other remote control softwares other than the screen share with the invigilator through the approved application.

Technical Requirements

Article 9

Students who have the permission to attend the school remotely are required to meet the following technical requirements:

  1. computer, laptop or tablet;
  2. Internet access;
  3. camera;
  4. microphone.

If the student does not meet these requirements, the school will provide them with the technical equipment from the article 9 paragraph 1 points 1, 3 and 4. A student’s parent or legal guardian is obliged to sign a handover agreement for the technical equipment the school provided to the student. A parent or legal guardian who signed the handover agreement is fully responsible for the technical equipment and is obliged to pay for any damage (software or hardware) on the equipment as described in the Article 50 of the School’s Code of Conduct.

Final Provisions

Article 10

Regulations on remote learning shall enter into force on the eighth day following its publication on the school notice board.


President of the School Board ________________________________________

Nikola Subotić

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