Pursuant to Article 34 of the Statute of the International School, at the meeting held on the 25 August 2020, the Executive Board of International School adopted the following:

Regulations on Peer Tutoring Programme

Basic Provisions

Article 1

Student tutors (hereinafter: tutors) are students who have stood out due to their knowledge and dedication to school activities as well as the extracurricular ones.
Tutors are representatives of the values cherished and promoted by the school and role models for their peers.


Article 2

Tutors in Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 are chosen to perform the duty for the school year. The tutor’s mandate in Year 11, Year 12, and Year 13 begins on October 1st and ends on the last day of the school year in June.

For tutors in Year 10, the mandate would start on November 1st and end on the last day of the school year in June.

The students can apply for the position of tutors every year during their studies in the school.

The choice of the subjects

Article 3

At the start of the school year, in September, the supervisors of this programme (hereinafter: supervisors) will share the questionnaire to examine the level of interest of the students for the role of tutors.
The students from Year 10 would be given the questionnaire in October.

The questionnaire for October will be closed on the penultimate working day of September, that is, the penultimate working day of October for Year 10 students.

The questionnaire mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article will contain the description of the tutor’s role and obligations and the choice of the students’ preferred subject that they would like to tutor other students (hereinafter: tutees) in.

The students of Year 12 and 13 choose subjects from IGCSE and AS/A curricula while the Year 10 and 11 choose subjects from the IGCSE level only.

The students are allowed to choose one or more subjects from which they received the highest academic skills.

The selection of the tutors

Article 4

The last working days of September and October respectively are dedicated to the consideration of the students’ applications in the questionnaires from the paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Article 3.

The selection of the tutors is done by a public vote of the teachers and a simple majority is needed to reach the final decision. If the number of votes is even, the final decision is made by the class teacher.

The teachers have the right to decide on the tutor by adapting the number of subjects filled out in the questionnaire. The final list of tutors will be published during the next working day on the school notice board and via email and it will contain the names of the students and the subjects they will tutor in.

Mandate of the tutor

Article 5

Tutors in Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 are chosen to perform the duty for the school year. The tutor’s mandate in Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 begins on October 1st and ends on the last day of the school year in June.

For tutors in Year 10, the mandate would start on November 1st and end on the last day of the school year in June.

The students can apply for the position of tutors every year during their studies in the school.

Mandate of the tutor ends if:

  1. the said tutor wishes to stop tutoring;
  2. his/her parents decide to stop the tutoring process;
  3. the tutor commits a major infringement;
  4. the supervisors suggest he/she be relieved of the tutor role;
  5. the teachers decide to stop the tutoring process for a specific tutor;
  6. the tutor loses the status of a student in the school;
  7. at the end of the school year.

If the student stops being a tutor due to a major infringement or following a decision of the teachers, the supervisor is obligated to inform parents in written form within 3 days of the decision.

The supervisor should remove the name of the student from the tutors’ list after the decision has been made.


Article 6

The tutor teaches tutees in the school’s Learning Centre which is available every day from 8am until 4 pm, except on State holidays and/or over the summer break.

The tutoring lesson cannot last less than one school class – 45 minutes, and longer than two school lessons – 90 minutes, in the time span of one day and for one subject.

Tutoring should be held outside of the scheduled lessons and school activities. In certain cases, tutoring can be held during the scheduled lessons in agreements with the class teacher or subject teacher whose classes the students would be absent from. The absence will be justified under these conditions only.

The tutor has the obligation to hold at least two tutoring sessions every month for the duration of his/her mandate.

The tutor is obligated to note every meeting and fill out the table created for that purpose.

The table contains the information on the names of the tutors and tutees, subject, date and the length of the tutoring session.

The Principal, school psychologist, teachers and tutors have access to this table.


Article 7

Tutors have the freedom to reject tutoring a student. In that case, the student who needs additional assistance will not have the status of a tutee, but will receive additional assistance from the subject teacher.

When a tutee chooses a tutor for a specific subject, the tutoring sessions are held with him/her until the next assessment for that subject.

A student cannot be tutored for the same subject by other tutors. In the case that chosen tutor is not at the disposal of the tutee, the subject teacher will take over the tutor’s obligations.

In certain cases, the tutee can change his/her tutor in agreement with supervisors and an official written explanation.


Article 8

A tutor’s work is followed by the supervisor throughout the year and the evaluation is done by the teachers at the end of the school year, in accordance with the suggestions of the supervisors. Tutor’s work can be evaluated as satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

A supervisor is a subject teacher that is in charge of observing the work of tutors throughout the school year.

At the beginning of a school year, the teachers choose two supervisors in accordance with the suggestions of the Principal.

Supervisor mandate lasts for one school year.

Supervisor mandate can be terminated during the school year due to:

  1. personal initiative;
  2. principal’s suggestion;
  3. employee contract being terminated;
  4. misconduct as described in the school’s Code of Conduct;
  5. supervisor being unable to perform work obligations over a longer period of time.

If the supervisor’s mandate ends during the school year, the Principal has the obligation to organize a teachers meeting in the span of 7 days upon the termination of the mandate, during which a new supervisor is to be elected.

Supervisor has the following responsibilities:

  • organises the process of choosing tutors
  • suggests tutors
  • follows the work of tutors
  • diligently updates the tutor database
  • helps tutors
  • evaluates the work of tutors with the help of subject teachers
  • suggests tutor evaluation
  • suggests tutor mandate termination
  • submits a report on the work of tutors at the end of school year


Article 9

Supervisor is responsible for evaluating the tutor’s work.

Satisfactory work implies that the majority of his/her tutees has achieved academic progress upon finishing tutoring sessions. Otherwise, the work of tutors can be evaluated as unsatisfactory or satisfactory with special explanation at the hands of supervisors.

In addition, tutees will evaluate their tutors at the end of the school year and grade their performance.

Evaluations stated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article will constitute a final performance mark for the tutor for that school year.

According to the evaluation, the tutor’s work will be rewarded in the following way:

  1. 40-60% – tutor will receive a bronze certificate
  2. 61-80% – tutor will receive a silver certificate
  3. 81-100% – tutor will receive a golden certificate

Evaluation below 40% will result in unsatisfactory evaluation of the tutor’s performance.
In order to be rewarded, a tutor must fulfill the role of a tutor during the entire mandate.
Termination of the tutor’s mandate during the school year will automatically result in unsatisfactory evaluation.

Final Provisions

Article 10

The Regulations come into force on the eighth day from its posting on the School’s notice board.

President of the Executive Board

Nikola Subotić

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