School stories

A group of Year 8 and Year 10 students had a unique experience visiting the Science Technology Park Belgrade together with their Business teacher Ms Marija Milić. The students learned about the possibilities this centre offers in the field of developing innovative startup companies.

The students were welcomed by Ms Marija Mirković, Associate for International Cooperation and Project Management, who showed them the facility, its architecture and its innovative approach to its design.

Science Technology Park (STP) supports startups and growing tech companies to accelerate growth and development, conquer new markets and attract investment. They develop tailored programmes and services for companies at different stages of development, through international partnerships and new initiatives that promote synergy between technology and business.

The students were very motivated and inspired

After a very interesting introductory lecture about the way STP works and the ideas that have developed and found their way to markets around the country and the world, our students had the opportunity to participate in a workshop where they worked in teams to develop a new business idea using the SCAMPER technique. The students were very motivated and inspired, which was reflected in a large number of interesting solutions and ideas.

Now, after they have seen how business actually works, we hope that International School students will, in the near future, have the opportunity to cooperate with STP and develop their skills and ideas.