School stories

Year 7 students recently had the opportunity to delve into a truly unique learning experience during an interdisciplinary class organised by the Art & Design and Biology teachers, Ms Lora Mitić and Ms Marija Kovački.

The aim of this lesson was to seamlessly bridge the gap between these seemingly disparate subjects, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of the connection between art and science.

The students combined their knowledge from previous classes – they drew upon the concept of “Simple Shapes Drawings” from Art and the “Plant Cell” from Biology to create a practical representation of a plant cell. With guidance from their teachers, they artfully sketched cells using basic shapes, and then collaboratively constructed a model cell using materials such as cardboard, glue and colourful yarn.

This innovative approach allowed students to combine creativity with scientific knowledge, providing them with a unique and engaging perspective on the world of cells and biology. By using their creative skills to craft a model of a plant cell, they gained a profound understanding of the cellular structure and its essential functions within living organisms.

This blending of art and biology was a testament to the school’s commitment to providing a well-rounded education and nurturing students’ creative and scientific abilities. It stands as a shining example of the exciting possibilities that interdisciplinary learning can bring.