School stories

The graduation ceremony for the seventh generation of International School graduates – Class 2023, was held on Tuesday, 20 June.

Togetherness and Success of Class 2023

Along with their parents, teachers, principal and school coordinators, the graduates celebrated the successful ending of one part of their education path at the Radisson Collection Hotel, Old Mill Belgrade. This event was an extraordinary occasion for all the students and teachers to evoke memories and demonstrate togetherness once again.

The joy, eagerness for knowledge, friendship and support connected this amazing class during the past years, which we could also see at their graduation ceremony. There were hard moments as well for both the students and teachers, but they faced challenges together. Our students always had clear goals and we believe they will achieve them because the teachers prepared them not only for exams but for life as well.

Award for the Valedictorian and the new Student Council Leader

All of our students are unique – kind, smart, funny, creative, and supportive, and we can say many other nice words for all of them. We celebrated their successes at science and sports competitions in past years. The Valedictorian award this year went to Petar Janjanin, who showed that he is an A* student and an A* friend.

As a part of this year’s new tradition, International School now enters a second year of having students in leadership roles. One of the moments at the student’s graduation was passing the ribbon – as a Student Council leader, Ms Ivana Zoranović passed the ribbon to Ms Tijana Bugarčić, who was voted by students as a new leader to become and represent our student body.

Emotional speeches of the Principal, Class teacher and Valedictorian

The Speeches of the Principal, Class teacher and Valedictorian were emotional, full of gratitude and with strong messages to graduates to continue with their education. For the Principal of International School, Tatjana Vilček, this was such an important moment because she was their teacher, and this was the first generation she said goodbye to as a Principal. She pointed out how all the graduates are dear to her heart.

“We have encountered some challenges along the way, overcame them and came out stronger. We have experienced exceptional, magical moments and created memories that we will fondly remember in the years ahead”, she said and added that “The ending result, Ladies and Gentlemen, of our cooperation, in spite of the obstacles that we may have faced along the way, is this wonderful evening where we crown our success”. She ended her speech with congratulations to all of the graduates, wishing their “years ahead continue to be filled with empathy, compassion, objectivity and willingness to take risks. May you always lead by example, work hard and be honest and fair.”

Dear graduates, congratulations on what you have achieved and on what you have become, we are really proud of you!