School stories

There wasn’t enough space at International School’s cafeteria for all the interested students who wanted to attend a lecture called “Health impacts of energy boosters: Availability vs the benefits”, which took place at the beginning of March.

Energy boosters

The lecture was conceived and realised by our biology and psychology teachers. It dealt with the effects of various substances, the side effects of energy boosters, as well as the biological and psychological mechanisms of addiction.

Lessons about health at International School

The students had an opportunity to learn more about the potential hazards and diseases that occur more frequently as a result of the use of certain substances. The lecture put emphasis on energy drinks and their impact, as well as different types of nicotine products. The teachers conducted a small experiment, asking the students how many cups of coffee they drank on a daily basis. The results show a gradual increase of daily coffee intake as students get older.

We learned what it is actually that boosts our energy

The students asked the teachers questions about the mechanisms and consequences of certain types of behaviour and the use of specific substances. By attending the lecture, the students demonstrated not only their awareness, but also interest in this topic. They were taught how, little by little, particular types of everyday behaviour can lead to detrimental patterns which can in turn cause both physical and psychological problems in your daily functioning.

The main goal of the lecture was to get the students to understand that, according to various scientific studies and experience, all the substances which they believe provide them with a sufficient amount of energy in fact have downsides which considerably outweigh the benefits.