School stories

In a survey conducted in the final two weeks of the third semester (22 May–5 June), the students evaluated the performance of the teachers and mentors, showing a high level of satisfaction with online lessons, while special focus was placed on the overall quality of the International School curriculum. The test comprised 5 units: the students evaluated the quality of the lessons, the teaching, the mentors and online lessons, while a section was dedicated to the students’ suggestions and constructive criticism. The survey included 111 respondents, which is 77% of the overall number of students at the International School.

In accordance with the epidemiological situation and recommendations, International School students spent most of the second term attending online lessons from the comfort of their homes throughout the country and the region. The recently completed school year presented the students and teachers with unexpected challenges. The state of emergency and the global pandemic required a new and unusual approach to education. Learning from home became a new trend and privileged students were those attending school that were ready for technological challenges.

Excellent statistics: Online teaching and exam organisation at a high level

As much as 90% surveyed students are satisfied with the online lessons carried out during lockdown and the way the mock exams and tests were organised. Also, more than two thirds of the students are satisfied with the interaction with the teachers during the state of emergency.

In addition, an amazing 98% are satisfied with the consultations with the teachers during lockdown, three quarters of whom are very satisfied. An innovative approach to teaching, interesting lessons and mentorship proved to be the best quality of the International School.

Satisfied students and top-quality teaching at the International School

Apart from the online lessons, the survey shows that as much as 97% of the surveyed students are satisfied with the quality of teaching at the International School, which is progress compared to the results from December.

When it comes to the students’ favourite subject, English is the one they are most satisfied with. More than 88% of surveyed students are satisfied with teaching and there are no unsatisfied students. The excellent results are proof of the quality of the lessons and the teachers’ approach, as well as the students’ efforts in the school where lessons are exclusively in English.

As a school that fosters mentorship, the International School earned a high average mark of 4.59/5 for the extraordinary relationship between the mentors and the students. The surveyed students particularly highlighted the mentors’ support, care, understanding, friendly approach and interest in the students’ development, which can only motivate the students even further.